Thursday, November 3, 2016

"Students should do things because the things seem important and worth doing. Knowledge and skill should be shared rather than hoarded." -- John Holt

Dear Leo

I just read an interesting paragraph from a book

Though Holt later wrote about peace and counseled draft resistance, he described the

submarine as “the best learning community I have ever seen or been part of.” In Instead

of Education he wrote, “We were not on [the submarine] to ‘learn,’ but to help fight the

war. Like millions of other people at the time, we did not talk or think about ‘learning’;

we learned from the demanding work we did together, and we shared our experience and

skill as widely as we could. The submarine experience exemplified two of his central

beliefs about education: that one should not do things in order to learn, but because they

seem important and worth doing, and that knowledge and skill should be shared rather

than hoarded.

I want to put two of those points in big letters

Students should do things because the things seem important and worth doing.   Knowledge and skill should be shared rather
than hoarded.
John Holt

THE LINK to the book
Go to 83 books and then go to "A LIFE WORTH LIVING by John Holt"

Page 194

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